The double-arm CNC forming machine works continuously with high automation to finish the coil's forming process from fusiform to the product coils. Electrical parts and control system can be customized according to customer needs.
The opening, angle, nose height and arc of the coil can be accurately controlled by the forming machine. No need for re-shaping.
The end top arc system adopts a multi-board joining type, which can put together different arcs to ensure the different specification of the coil's end forming
With a tight clip lock, no mechanical damage between coils, and the coil inter-circle insulation is intact during the forming process to have high reliability of the coil electrical preference.
We have a good solution to the coil's rebound problem. Angle adjusting and shaping of the forming machine are two independent systems. They adjust and compensate by themselves with no interference from each other
CNC stator coil top arc forming machine
Technical specifications:
Fusiform total length range: 400~2200mm.
T-type coil's max. width: 120mm;
Coil linear side: 190~1300mm.
Projection length at ends after forming: 75~460mm;
Max. included angle between two linear side: 0~70˚ respectively adjustable for front and rear angles, total angle 0~144˚;
Total width of coil opening (pitch): 100~800mm;
Coil section (width×height): 7~25mm×12~60mm, min. 7×12mm, max. 25×60mm,
2 chucks each at front and rear;
Coil nose pin diameter: φ24, φ39;
Coil nose part slanting: 0~30˚;
Peaking nose part height: -80~300mm;
Open coil CNC forming machine technical specification
Total length range of the fusiform coil or open coil: 500~1800mm.
Coil linear side: 400~1000mm.
Projection length at ends after forming: 65~333mm;
Max. included angle between two linear side: 0~70˚ respectively adjustable for front and rear angles, total angle 0~90˚;
Total width of coil opening (pitch): 100~500mm;
Coil section (width×height): 5~15mm×10~45mm, 2 chucks each at front and rear;
Coil nose pin diameter: φ10, φ20, φ30;
Coil nose part slanting: 0~20˚; Peaking nose part height: 0~120mm;
Top arc height: 0~60mm, Use the servo motor to swing the top arc.
CNC rail traction motor coil desk-type top arc forming machine
Technical specification
Total length range of the fusiform coil or open coil: 360~1000mm.
Coil linear side: 180~700mm.
Projection length at ends after forming: 65~333mm;
Max. included angle between two linear side: 0~60˚ respectively adjustable for front and rear angles, total angle 0~120˚;
Total width of coil opening (pitch): 100~500mm;
Coil section (width×height): 5~15mm×10~25mm, 2 chucks each at front and rear;
Coil nose pin diameter: φ10, φ20, φ30;
Coil nose part slanting: 0~20˚; Peaking nose part height: 0~200mm;
Top arc height: 0~150mm